Beef Hanging Tender

Per Kilo

Beef hanging tender is cut from the short plate, which is found below the rib primal. Cook it properly and enjoy extremely rich and bold flavors for your next dish! We recommend that you use our cuts for fajitas or bulgogi. You can also use it to make steaks or ground beef.

Make your meals extra flavorful with rich, juicy beef hanging tender meat! Learn more about this delicious cut of meat below.

What is Hanging Tender Beef?

Beef Hanging Tender is a large and flat cut of beef that comes from the lower belly of the cow, hanging from the diaphragm. Also known as “butcher’s steak,” since butchers used to keep the meat to themselves, hanging tender meat has recently become a staple in steakhouses for its intense flavor, tenderness, and the perfect amount of marbling.

Nutrition Facts

A serving of 500 grams of beef hanging tender contains 637.5 calories per serving, with a protein intake of 97.8g and a total fat intake of 25.5g only. This makes the source of calories 63% protein and 37% fat.

Don’t miss out on the premium quality and flavor of beef hanging tender from TenderBites.

Hanger Steak Recipes

Give these beef hanger steak recipes a try!

  • Garlic and Herb-Marinated Hanging Tender Steak
  • Yakiniku-style Hanging Tender Steak
  • Beef Bulgogi
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Get Personalized Cuts From The Country’s Best Butchers

TenderBites' Suki Experience offers you premium meat cuts exactly how you like them. Our team of skilled butchers helps you save cooking time by prepping your meat before delivering it straight to your doorstep. Whether you want diced cubes or a specific serving size, your favorite butcher is there to help you out.

TenderBites Staff Ground Beef Grinding

We pride ourselves on procuring a wide variety of local cuts and imported meats from countries like the US and Japan. TenderBites' catalog of high-quality meat includes authentic Japanese Wagyu, USDA Prime, and Certified Angus Beef.

If you're unsure which cut will work best for your meal, our skilled butchers will help you pick the right meat for a flavorful meal.

Store Locations

Is online shopping for meat a challenge?

TenderBites Real-time Online Shopping. It's like going there yourself, without the hassle.

  • Video call one of our stores. A bespoke butcher or salesclerk will show you what's available.
  • Place your order along with cutting and packing instructions. See a sample to be sure it's exactly how you want it.
  • When your order is ready, we'll send your invoice and payment link via SMS.
  • Pay online. Our staff will notify you of the delivery schedule.
  • Order gets delivered to your doorstep. Cook, dine, enjoy.

Find a TenderBites Store near you


Where can you buy beef hanging tender?
You can get premium beef hanging tender cuts from TenderBites for P1,149.0 per kilogram. Order from our website or drop by our store to get these cuts prepared exactly how you want.
What is the best serving size for hanger steak?
A serving size of 4oz (100g) of hanger steak per person is recommended, especially if served with sides.
What is the best way to cook beef hanging tender?
This versatile cut is best-prepared medium-rare on a grill or smoker.


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